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自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness 第一篇 培养自觉 Self-Awareness 自觉 Self-Awareness
[自觉手册 Manual of Self-Awareness] [点击:2332]   [手机版]

第一篇 培养自觉



Self-awareness is invaluable. We cannot buy it, nor can anyone cultivate it for others. For example, when I am clenching my hand, is anyone conscious of my feeling? No one is. Outwardly, you can see I am making a fist, but you are not conscious of my feeling. Similarly, when someone is making a fist, I can see but I am not conscious of his feeling.


Let us be aware of the movements of the body, for example, while we are blinking, be aware; while we are breathing, be aware. When thought arises, be aware. This is what we call Sati or self-awareness.


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