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寻法 Seeking Dharma
[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey] [点击:1429]   [手机版]


Seeking Dharma


It goes without saying that for the sake of pursuing the Dharma, a spiritual seeker should let go of all worldly belongings and abide by an austere life style.


Buddha Shakyamuni was once reborn as the Brahmin named Dharma Loving. For the sake of obtaining a one-verse Dharma he did not hesitate to give up his life by leaping into a flaming pit. The verse he paid for so dearly, by “risking life and limb without a care for flesh and blood,” is: “Always strive ardently to practice generosity and never commit transgressions of the pure precepts. Perform good deeds to the best of your ability and practice the supreme Dharma with wisdom.”


Another time the Buddha was incarnated as a Brahmin during a period devoid of Buddha’s doctrines. From a raksas disguised by the god Indra, he received a few words’ teaching and immediately wrote it down on rocks, walls, and tree trunks in order to benefit future beings. He then leaped from a tree to his death to repay the raksas’s kindness of conferring the Dharma. In that instant, his pure intention of seeking the Dharma allowed him to accumulate vast merits that otherwise would take 12 great kalpas to accomplish. The teaching he paid dearly for with the price of his blood and life is:

When both becoming and cessation cease to operate,
Cessation of change with its bliss of perfect rest arises.


These Dharma verses, obtained by the Buddha with his zealous quest of “giving up body and life for the Dharma,” are the quintessence of the vast compassion from past great masters; they are fully imbued with the blessings of the Buddhas of ten directions and three times. We should study these treasures, even down to a single word or phrase, with veneration and make them known to others as well.


I remember when our Guru H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche recounted these stories during the transmission of The Great Biography of Shakyamuni Buddha (the White Lotus), he often became so moved that tears streamed down his cheeks and his voice choked up. He advised us: “For the sake of beings in the degenerate times, Buddha Shakyamuni sacrificed his own life to search for the Dharma. If we are indolent in our practice, it’s absolutely sad and lamentable!”


We have now met the supremely kind teacher who is indistinguishable from the Buddha and who has transmitted to us the ocean-like sublime Dharma. If we do not cherish this opportunity to the utmost, our trip to this world would be a total waste!


24th of February, Year of RenWu
April 6, 2002

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