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竣工 Project Completed
[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey] [点击:1150]   [手机版]


Project Completed


To me personally, today is a day worthy of every commemoration. A major project of my life—the translation of the Great Biography of Buddha Shakyamuni, the White Lotus—has just been completed. This project was commenced on Christmas Day 2001 when the people of Xiamen celebrated it in various ways. On that day, I took the liberty of assuming the festive mood in the city as cheers for my foundation-laying ceremony of the translation.


Buddha Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, performed innumerable activities of the Six Transcendent Perfections from his initial aspiration to final enlightenment. His deeds are incredibly moving stories, which touched me deeply every time I read them. I have been aspiring to translate the biography so that others could appreciate it too; today I am happy to see my wish is finally fulfilled.


The launching of my translation project coincided with the building of a high-rise across from my residence. Its groundbreaking ceremony was attended by throngs of cheering crowds and decorated with colorful banners. The building started with a blueprint that reportedly cost hundreds of thousands of yuan and its construction has been carried out by hundreds of workers equipped with modern engineering tools. Compared with their grandiose style, our translation project seems extremely shabby. We have neither a huge amount of manpower nor hefty funds as support, only a proofreader of the typescript. Nonetheless, we do have unshakable deep faith in the Buddha, something so special that outshines mundane construction. This and this alone, is enough to lift us in spirit to the rank of the indomitable nobles.


With more than 100 days of work behind it, this building is in the stage of water supply and will soon be completed; my project, likewise, has reached the finishing line. While the developers must feel good about their significant accomplishment, my project, I believe, could be more meaningful. A few hundred years from now, buildings made from cement, brick, and tile will be gone with no trace left; on the contrary, the spiritual wealth of the Buddha’s life story will still continue to benefit hundreds and thousands of future generations. Unaffected by the confines of time and space, it will arouse faith in its readers all over and lead them steadily onto the path of liberation.


The best inheritance to leave for future generations is not the high-rise building, or gold, silver, or jewels; rather, it is the towering spiritual mansion that will provide protection from the thunderstorms of delusion.


22nd of March, Year of RenWu
May 3, 2002

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