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建议 Making Suggestions
[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey] [点击:1282]   [手机版]


Making Suggestions


These days, many eminent monks and learned dignitaries have built Buddhist Academies in the Han Chinese region. These institutions provide an integrated education system, with two- and four-year programs, or even advanced study and training. Their curricula cover extensively the major scriptures and commentaries of Sutrayana; students are expected to advance in a progressive manner and to observe pure precepts. These academies have become a rich source of highly qualified monks and nuns for monasteries in various areas; it is truly a feat for all to rejoice and admire.


But regrettably the curricula often list worldly social science and natural science as the main courses—a blemish on an otherwise excellent system. To be sure, understanding worldly theories is needed in order to guide people who have different capacities. Even in a Tibetan Buddhist academy, the curriculum includes Major and Minor Five Sciences. Yet giving mundane knowledge a premier spot in the curriculum is putting the cart before the horse. Furthermore, many programs only teach theoretical aspects while no actual practice is emphasized. Monks and nuns trained in this way, even after many years of schooling, will not know how to conquer their own negative emotions, let alone how to tame the mind. It’s definitely a big drawback.


Moreover, many such Buddhist Academies retain lay practitioners as Dharma teachers. It has become common to see a layperson sitting high up on the podium while monks or nuns sit below respectfully. With my conceptual and grasping mind, I can’t help feeling quite disturbed when this happens. Of course, among the laity there are many learned and highly realized practitioners. Vimalakirti, for one, appeared as a layperson to benefit beings. But why can’t the religious community train its monks and nuns to assume the responsibility for Dharma teaching? This will conform well to the Buddhist historical tradition. I think reform and innovation can be done without abandoning this set of rules. The Han Chinese area should not be so desperately in short supply of qualified talent!


Well, perhaps my talk today is quite worthless. But, does it make any sense? I welcome you to ponder it.


14th of April, Year of RenWu
May 25, 2002

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