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皈依 Taking Refuge
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Taking Refuge


Many people have taken refuge in the Three Jewels, yet their motivation for doing so varies enormously. Entering the gate of Buddhism is like walking into a huge supermarket fully stocked with all kinds of goods to satisfy everyone’s needs and likes. Some take refuge in the idea of obtaining the happiness of gods and men; others are motivated by the fear of the lower realms. Some take refuge in the Three Jewels with the aim of attaining freedom from samsaric sufferings; others do so with the wish of liberating all sentient beings.


The first three attitudes are those of lesser and middling beings; only the last one is the supreme motivation of great beings. To take refuge solely for selfish desire is like trading a wish-fulfilling jewel for a piece of candy—very shortsighted indeed. When farmers grow rice, they expect to reap grains of rice, but at the same time hay will automatically become available to them too. Likewise, if a person works wholeheartedly for other sentient beings without any selfish concern, his own liberation will come naturally, even without his asking for it.


Let’s search our hearts to see if we truly mean what we proclaim every day, that we are taking refuge in order to benefit all sentient beings. If the answer is not a resolute yes, then we should readjust our motivation and, in the presence of the Three Jewels, once again take refuge genuinely for the purpose of liberating beings.


The Omniscient Longchenpa has left a concise sadhana for refuge taking: In front of Three Jewels’ representations, we make offerings and confessions. Visualize the Buddha, Dharma, Sanghas, and other deities filling the sky before you. Make cloud-like outer, inner, and secret offerings to them, and say the following: “From this time until attaining the essence of enlightenment, I [say your name], for the sake of all sentient beings, take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dharma. I take refuge in the Sangha.” Say this three times from the depths of your heart and with the help of symbols (the teacher snapping his fingers or we ourselves imagining), the refuge vow is attained.


This ritual is simple and significant. Some Dharma instructors among you may have held refuge taking in the past by visualization only, without following a sadhana. From now on, you should consider using this text for the ritual of refuge taking, which I will also follow strictly as I have occasionally been slacking in this respect.


15th of June, Year of RenWu
July 24, 2002

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