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故乡 Sweet Hometown
[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey] [点击:1183]   [手机版]


Sweet Hometown


People tend to praise and have sentimental attachments to their hometowns. A person drifting abroad for many years would like to return to his native land; those who have succeeded in a special field look forward to a glorious homecoming. Even commoners with nothing to show or losers who feel shameful about facing folks back home still declare an infatuation for their homeland, saying, “Gentle breezes, only you can deliver my deep love.” The hidden nostalgic feeling toward one’s native place will always linger on, no matter how far one is separated from it.


For me, the mere thought of the Zong Ta prairie that had given me life and nourishment is enough to cause my heart to ripple. Its running streams and green mountains—just like the poem “blue as the water in ever-flowing rivers, blue as the distant hills shrouded in mist”—never fail to invoke in me a subtle and indescribable reverie.


For people on the spiritual path, however, it is exactly such sentiment that has to be cut off. Longchepa once reminded future generations: “The hometown is the holding prison; you must sever attachments to it.” Clinging to one’s hometown propels the perpetual cycling in samsara and brings about all sufferings. The adage says: “In our lifetime, we should recognize our true nature; do not take an alien land as our hometown.” Our hometown of this life is only a temporary lodging for our body, a stopover on our long journey in samsara. For a man with foresight and sagacity, his vision in search of ultimate liberation will not be blocked by the landscape of his hometown.


“The moon is the brightest in one’s hometown,” so it says in a poem. But to a practitioner, this “hometown” refers not to the geographic one located on the map; rather, it means the absolute hearth and home—our mind’s true destiny, our mind as it is.


Now that we have found the path to this ultimate hometown, when will we get there?


20th of July, Year of RenWu
August 28, 2002

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