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打破全身的机关 Breaking through Blockages throughout the Body
[初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan] [点击:1344]   [手机版]

Breaking through Blockages throughout the Body


You must break through all the blockages throughout your whole body. These blockages refer to the aches and pains that you have in your body. When there is pain, if you can endure it and not have false thoughts, then you have attained some real skill. Otherwise, you still fail the test. As you can see, there are people who were here who ran away after only one day. All of you have been here for a few days. This is really not easy. Especially the girls, who are more afraid of pain. You have been enduring suffering here, and this will really deepen your good roots. These bodhi seeds that you have planted will one day ripen and produce the fruit of enlightenment. The amount of effort you put in here will affect how much you attain. You won’t waste a moment. When cultivating, we have to have “patience with arising” and endure even the unendurable. We must also have “patience with dharmas.” To have samadhi, we must bear what is hard to bear and endure everything! Do not be afraid of pain!


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上一篇:难关.苦关.痛关 Hurdles of Hardship, Suffering, and Pain
下一篇:不要命的用功 Painstaking Hard Work

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