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明白生死的路 Understanding the Road of Birth and Death
[初步参禅的方法 Basic of Chan] [点击:1305]   [手机版]

Understanding the Road of Birth and Death


Why isn’t it called “sitting” for a Chan session? It is not called cultivating a Chan session, or conducting a Chan session but rather the expression is “striking” or “beating” a Chan session. The word “beating” actually means being beaten up. This means it is very painful. Your back aches and your legs are in pain. Even if you do not get hit by the incense stick, you feel pain. If it is so painful, why does one want to do a Chan session? Why does one not go find something more pleasurable to do? Why go through this suffering? Seeking pleasure is worldly dharma, while enduring suffering is transcendental dharma. If you want to transcend this world, you must first go through the training. This training is to bear the unbearable, and to endure hardship. This is different from the ordinary person. If you chase after worldly dharmas the more you indulge in worldly pleasures, the more you will decline and fall. On the other hand, if you aspire to world-transcending dharmas, the more hardship you endure, the more you unveil the original light of wisdom. Therefore, we must do the Chan session. Externally you have to endure the physical pain of being hit by the incense stick, and internally you have to bear the psychological suffering. You have to bear the pain in your legs no matter how painful it gets. Being attacked from within and without, to the point that there is no place to escape, you will then become enlightened. When you get enlightened, you will know how you are born and how you die. Once you understand the path of birth and death, you will be liberated from birth and death.


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上一篇:修道的第一步 The First Step of Cultivation
下一篇:在禅堂就是持戒 Being in the Chan Hall Is Upholding the Precepts

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