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学佛法要能勇于改过 In Studying the Buddhadharma, We Must Bravely Change Our Faults
[宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks] [点击:1745]   [手机版]


In Studying the Buddhadharma, We Must Bravely Change Our Faults


To be wise is to recognize one’s past mistakes.


If we cannot change our faults, we aren’t really cultivating the Way. If we are aware of our faults but don’t change them, we aren’t really studying the Buddhadharma.


When one turns fifty, one is aware of the errors of the past forty-nine years.


To be wise is to recognize one’s past mistakes, and to realize that the future holds limitless possibilities. People who do not recognize their errors will be muddled to the end of their lives. People who crave illusory fame and seek after external things are pitiful indeed!


We shouldn’t neglect our Buddha-nature and pay so much attention to material things. We shouldn’t crave enjoyment and forget to cultivate. Why do we discard the true to chase after the false? Why do we ignore the root and seek out the branches? It’s because we don’t know how to examine ourselves, and because we don’t want to change our faults. Unaware that our own natures are pure and pristine, we wallow in the mire, defiling our natures and burying our wisdom. Then it becomes even harder for us to understand our minds and see our natures.


At the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, we should expel the darkness from our minds so our own natures can shine forth. We should do things with a proper, bright, and all-encompassing mind. We should never manipulate or oppress other people. We should always remember:



Go forward along the Way;

Retreat from what is not the Way.

Follow what is good;

Change what is evil.


If this is how we are, we will surely become sages and worthy ones.

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上一篇:出家修道要发愿 When One Leaves Home to Cultivate the Way, One Should Make Vows
下一篇:对育良、培德学生开示 A Talk Given to the Students of Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue Schools


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