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自由发展的可怕 The Dangers of a Permissive Upbringing
[宣化老和尚开示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks] [点击:1718]   [手机版]


The Dangers of a Permissive Upbringing


Murder, arson, theft, robbery, and other crimes are also the result of people being brought up too permissively.


What led the hippies to behave so badly? To sum it up in one sentence, the country's laws. In today's society, parents and teachers cannot be too strict in disciplining their children, or they will be accused of child abuse. Consequently, the children grow up with a total lack of discipline. Such permissive upbringing has produced all these hippies, homosexuals, and juvenile delinquents.


Murder, arson, theft, robbery, and other crimes are also the result of people being brought up too permissively. Indulging in promiscuity, nude parties, and wild drinking and drug-taking orgies, such people turn the world into a madhouse and destroy all the norms of society. When they die, they fall into the hells of the Copper Pillar and the Iron Bed to undergo suffering.


If you live at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas but are distracted by external states and do not cultivate diligently, I will be very pained at heart. When I see such behavior, I weep in my heart. I teach you to become proper and high-minded people, and yet you wish to fall; you have been too deeply poisoned by your permissive upbringing and by the hippie mentality. I hope that starting today, you will earnestly change your past faults and become new people.


A talk given on September 17, 1983

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