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22.眷属亦出家 His relatives also choosing to leave the home life behind
[虚云老和尚传] [点击:1728]   [手机版]




His relatives also choosing to leave the home life behind

After the Master's father returned to Hsiang-hsiang, he thought about the early death of his former wife, and he grieved about his son's leaving home. Because of these melancholy thoughts, he became ill and left the world. The Master's step-mother Wong was moved by his death, and led the Master's two wives to go forth from home as Bhikshunis with her, which all of them did. His step-mother Wong was given the Dharma name Miao Ching (Wonderful Purity); his wife T'ien was named Chen Chieh (True Purity); and the Dharma name of his wife T'an was Ching Chieh (Pristine Chastity). They single-mindedly repented of their numerous karmic obstacles, let go of the threads of defilement, and sought rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss in order to see Amitabha Buddha.

The verse says:
Mortal kinsmen and relatives are the demons of Buddhalands.
They were the very reason for the Sage's trouble and adversity.
After arriving at the other shore, with a turn of the head he perceived this. Inverting confusion, he returned to awaken, thanks to Devadatta.

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上一篇:23.不贪名闻利养 Not being greedy for fame, profit, or offerings
下一篇:21.典座 Serving as verger

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