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135.一同进京请愿 Arriving in the capital to join a group in petitioning the government
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Arriving in the capital to join a group in petitioning the government

The Master, Dharma Master Chi Ch'an, and the other representatives of the Buddhist Association, entered the capital to present their petition to the government. Upon arriving, they stayed at Hsien Liang (Good and Worthy) Monastery. The official Head of Sangha Affairs, Dharma Master Fa An of Lung Ch'uan (Dragon Springs) Monastery, Dharma Master Tao Hsing of Kuan Yin Temple, along with Dharma Master Chueh Kuang and others personally welcomed the Master, lavishly supplying him with all manner of provisions. All the Masters discussed among themselves how to rectify the situation and make plans for restoration. Had it not been for the efforts of the Master and the others, who knows what would have happened to Buddhism?

The gatha says:
Three Wu emperors persecuted the Buddhists, but Buddhism did not die.
The Teaching was protected and flourished once again.
Going to the capital to present their petition, they traveled a difficult path.
The story of their glorious merit has come down from past to present.

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上一篇:136.王公宰官护法 Receiving protection for the Dharma from princes, dukes, officials and the emperor
下一篇:134.回国挽救寺难 Returning to China to save the monasteries

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