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162.举巨石服群众 Moving a boulder and winning workmens respect
[虚云老和尚传] [点击:1318]   [手机版]





Moving a boulder and winning workmen's respect

The Master's seventy-eighth year was 1917. In the spring, eight workers were hired to transport the jade Buddha from Kuan Yin Pavilion to Chicken Foot Mountain in China, a journey of quite a few days over treacherous mountain paths and places where no people had previously gone. One day while passing through Yeh Jen (Wild Men) Mountain, the workers got the idea that there were gold and gems inside the Buddha, which they consequently refused to carry further, saying that they had no strength to do so. They raised their fee and would not listen to reason, as if someone were taking advantage of them. The Master noticed a boulder of several hundred pounds to which he pointed and said, "Is this rock not heavier than the Buddha?" The workers agreed that it was two or three times heavier. The Master then raised the boulder over his head, and the workers were completely awed. They said, "This Venerable Master is a living Buddha!" They carried the Buddha image through the mountains and were generously rewarded by the Master upon arrival at their destination.

It was said:
The Dharma Protectors silently lent their aid.

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上一篇:163.水陆感应祥瑞 Performing a - Water and Land ceremony, which brough auspicious omens
下一篇:161.横逆相加囚缧绁 Being bound and incarcerated for no good reason

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