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XI. 第二组四法 The Second Tetrad
[安那般那手册] [点击:1578]   [手机版]

XI. The Second Tetrad

XI. 第二组四法

I shall now show the second tetrad of the sutta which is to be attempted or practised in the fixing stage, the stage of the full absorption or jhāna. The text states:


1. Pītipaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmīti sikkhati, pītipaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmīti sikkhati.

2. Sukhapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmīti sikkhati, sukhapaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmīti sikkhati.

3. Cittasaṅkhāraṃ paṭisaṃvedī assasissāmīti sikkhati, cittasaṅkhāraṃ paṭisaṃvedī passasissāmīti sikkhati.

4. Passambhayaṃ cittasaṅkhāraṃ assasissāmīti sikkhati, passambhayaṃ cittasaṅkhāraṃ passasissāmīti sikkhati.

1. “Experiencing rapture, I will exhale and inhale,” thus he trains himself.

2. “Experiencing happiness, I will exhale and inhale,” thus he trains himself.

3. “Experiencing the mental functions, I will exhale and inhale,” thus he trains himself.

4. “Allaying and calming down the mental functions, I will exhale and inhale,” thus he trains himself.

1. “学觉知喜我将出息,”“学觉知喜我将入息。”

2. “学觉知乐我将出息,”“学觉知乐我将入息。”

3. “学觉知心行我将出息,”“学觉知心行我将入息。”

4. “学平静心行我将出息,”“学平静心行我将入息。”

1. What is meant by “experiencing rapture” (pītipaṭisaṃvedī) is putting forth effort, when the counterpart sign appears, until the first and second jhānas are attained, in which rapture (pīti) predominates.

1. “觉知喜”(pītipaṭisaṃvedī)的意思是,似相出现后,保持努力,直到证入有喜(pīti)禅支的初禅和第二禅。

2. What is meant by “experiencing happiness” (sukhapaṭisaṃvedī) is putting forth effort until the third jhāna is attained, in which happiness (sukha) predominates.

2. “觉知乐”的意思是,保持努力,直到证入有乐(sukha)禅支的第三禅。

3. What is meant by “experiencing the mental functions” (cittasaṅkhāraṃ paṭisaṃvedī) is putting forth effort until the fourth jhāna is attained, in which the mental function (citta-saṅkhāra) of equanimous feeling (upekkhā vedanā) predominates.

3. “觉知心行” (cittasaṅkhāraṃ paṭisaṃvedī)的意思是,保持努力,直到证入有舍受(upekkhā vedanā)这种心行(citta-saṅkhāra)的第四禅。(译注:《清净道论》P288,“心行”—是受想二蕴)

4. What is meant by “allaying and calming down the mental functions” (passambhayaṃ cittasaṅkhāraṃ) putting forth effort to allay and calm down the coarse feelings (vedanā) and perceptions (saññā).

4. “平静心行”(passambhayaṃ cittasaṅkhāraṃ)的意思是,努力减弱和平静粗糙的受(vedanā)和想(saññā)。

The Commentary associates this tetrad with full absorption in jhāna, but the experience of rapture, joy, and calm is also associated with the access to jhāna (upacāra-jhāna), attained after the first appearance of the counterpart sign.


This ends the second tetrad.


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上一篇:XII. 第三组四法 The Third Tetrad
下一篇:X. 协调义注和经文 The Commentary Reconciled with the Sutta

 安那般那手册 XI. 第二组四法

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