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XII. 第三组四法 The Third Tetrad
[安那般那手册] [点击:1570]   [手机版]

XII. The Third Tetrad

XII. 第三组四法

I shall now show the third tetrad of the sutta, which gives the practice when entering jhāna or full absorption.


1. Cittapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmīti sikkhati, cittapaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmīti sikkhati.

2. Abhippamodayaṃ cittaṃ assasissāmīti sikkhati, abhippamodayaṃ cittaṃ passasissāmīti sikkhati.

3. Samādahaṃ cittaṃ assasissāmīti sikkhati, samādahaṃ cittaṃ passasissāmīti sikkhati.

4. Vimocayaṃ cittaṃ assasissāmīti sikkhati, vimocayaṃ cittaṃ passasissāmīti sikkhati.

1. “Experiencing the mind (consciousness), I will exhale and inhale,” thus he trains himself.

2. “Making the mind extremely delighted, I will exhale and inhale,” thus he trains himself.

3. “Making the mind extremely concentrated, I will exhale and inhale,” thus he trains himself.

4. “Freeing the mind (from the defilements, hindrances, etc.), I will exhale and inhale,” thus he trains himself.

1. “学觉知心我将出息,”“学觉知心我将入息。”

2. “学令心胜喜我将出息,”“学令心胜喜我将入息。”

3. “学令心定我将出息,”“学令心定我将入息。”

4. “学令心解脱我将出息,”“学令心解脱我将入息。”

1. “Perceiving the mind” (citta-paṭisaṃvedī) means entering the four jhānas repeatedly in order to make the perception of the mind extremely clear.

1. “觉知心”(citta-paṭisaṃvedī)的意思是,反复进入四种禅那,使得心的觉知非常地清晰。

2. “Making the mind extremely delighted” (abhippamodayaṃ cittaṃ) means that when the perception of the mind is extremely clear, one makes the mind extremely delighted by repeatedly entering the first and second jhānas (which are associated with rapture, pīti).

2. “令心胜喜” (abhippamodayaṃ cittaṃ)的意思是,心的觉知非常清晰后,通过反复进入初禅和第二禅(此两禅都有喜禅支)让心非常喜悦。

3. “Making the mind extremely concentrated” (samādahaṃ cittaṃ) means that when the mind is extremely delighted, one makes the mind extremely concentrated by entering the third and fourth jhānas.

3. “令心定”(samādahaṃ cittaṃ)的意思是,心非常欢喜后,通过进入第三禅和第四禅让心非常安定。

4. “Freeing the mind” (vimocayaṃ cittaṃ) means freeing the mind of obstacles by repeatedly entering the four jhānas.

4. “令人解脱”(vimocayaṃ cittaṃ)的意思是,通过反复进入四种禅那来解脱心的障碍(注,五盖等)。

The Commentary associates this tetrad too with jhānic absorption, though it contains practices associated with the access to jhāna as well.


This ends the third tetrad.


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上一篇:XIII. 第四组四法 The Fourth Tetrad
下一篇:XI. 第二组四法 The Second Tetrad

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