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观照听到,等等 Meditating on Hearing, etc
[摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多] [点击:1515]   [手机版]

Meditating on Hearing, etc


Mālukyaputta undertook to apply mindfulness to the activities of the six senses. If one is constantly mindful, one will just hear what appears at the ear-door, and no more. As I am delivering this discourse, you are hearing each syllable that I am uttering. If you concentrate on each syllable that I pronounce, you will certainly miss the import and meaning of what I am trying to convey to you. If you stop short at cognition of the sounds that I make, you will not be able to note them in the conceptual way, which means you will not form any concept regarding what you hear. Likewise, when you smell an odour, you just know the odour. Consciousness will not flow any further than that. When you feel tactile sensations and stop short at that, you will just know that you have touched something or that something has touched you, and you will not go beyond that.


With the range of mental objects too, you will just stop short at the point where mind-consciousness arises without formulating concepts. Then defilements will not be able to arise. I will say more about that later.


Let me remind you of the passage cited earlier regarding seeing, hearing, etc. “When you see, you just see it; when you hear, you just hear it; when you think, you just think it; and when you know, you just know it.” This is the practice of insight meditation in a nutshell. It means that when consciousness of sense-objects arises, you should note the arising so that the mind just stops there. You will not be able to do this unless you note the phenomenon with mindfulness. Even when you are trying to note in this way, your mind may deviate from its main objective to investigate the nature of the object, especially when you are just beginning meditation.


Some assert that by merely investigating the three characteristics one can remain just with consciousness as it arises. Some go so far as to say that the mind should be just kept as it is, then it will automatically stop at cognition of things seen or heard. This amounts to saying that the mind should be left unrestrained without keeping guard over it. This means that mindfulness will be discarded. Let me ask such dissenters, “How will you react to harsh words that grind your ears, or to trash that inflames you, or to physical and mental pain that undermine your equanimity?” Without noting the psyche with mindfulness, how can anyone keep it as it is? Let these people judge for themselves the true worth of their own assertions.


When a meditator contemplates constantly on the phenomena of seeing, hearing, etc., he or she will realise the knowledge of dissolution, which will reveal the moment when dissolution occurs. If the meditator abides in that moment, insight knowledge will be strengthened and its benefits will follow.


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上一篇:观智的利益 The Benefits of Insight Knowledge
下一篇:回答一个质疑 Answering a Critic

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