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给Bāhiya Dārucīriya的教导 Teaching Given to Bāhiya Dārucīriya
[摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多] [点击:1503]   [手机版]

Teaching Given to Bāhiya Dārucīriya

给Bāhiya Dārucīriya的教导

Having uttered the twenty-four stanzas, the Buddha concluded by saying, “Mālukyaputta! I have given you a succinct account of the method [of noting sense-objects], you must try to understand the deeper meaning.”


Rejoicing in what the Buddha had taught, Mālukyaputta expressed his satisfaction, paid homage to the Blessed One and departed. Then he retired to a place of solitude, applied himself to meditation with mindfulness, abiding vigilant, strenuous, and with single purpose. Before long he enjoyed the fruits of the holy life, gained insight, and became an Arahant.


Once, when the Buddha was in Sāvatthi for his daily alms round, he was approached by a recluse by the name of Bāhiya Dārucīriya who insisted on being given some brief instruction on the spot. The Buddha advised him to note seeing just as he saw, hearing just as he heard, knowing just as he knew, and thinking just as he thought in relation to the sense-objects he encountered. These are the Buddha’s words:

曾经有一次,佛陀在舍卫城进行日常的托钵。有一位名字叫Bāhiya Dārucīriya的隐者走近佛陀,坚持请求佛陀给他一些简要的指导。佛陀建议他,对于所遇到的感官对象,仅仅如同所见到的去注意见,仅仅如同所闻到的去注意闻,仅仅如同所觉到的去注意觉,仅仅如同所知到的去注意知。佛陀的话是这样的:

“Ditthe ditthamattam bhavissati;
sute sutamattam bhavissati;
mute mutamattam bhavissati;
viññate viññanamattam bhavissati.”

In this Mālukyaputta Sutta the instructions are identical. So this method of vipassanā is to note with mindfulness every time the phenomena of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought occur. Though the instruction is very brief, it is very far-reaching. For nearly forty years since 1938, I have been teaching this Mālukyaputta Sutta regularly for the enlightenment of thousands of devotees regarding the subjects of the Noble Path and its Fruition, and regarding the knowledge of re-observation(patisankhā-ñāna). I believe that many of them by now have come to realise the knowledge that can lead them to the Path and its Fruition.


I will conclude with a prayer, sharing the merits we have performed in relation to charity, morality, and mental development to our parents, relatives, and well-wishers present here, to all humanity, to all devas and all sentient beings in the whole universe. May they rejoice in these wholesome actions, and gain happiness in both body and mind!


Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!


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