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王氏孝子 守孝六年 Filial Son Wang Practiced Filiality ;Beside the Grave for Six Years
[达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West] [点击:1751]   [手机版]

Filial Son Wang Practiced Filiality
Beside the Grave for Six Years

王氏孝子 守孝六年

Speaking of that, I recall another true incident I would like to relate to you. This is no story, it's a true tale.


When I was in Manchuria there were several causes and conditions which inspired me to cultivate the Way. The person whom I admired the most in Manchuria was Filial Son Wong. He started his filial period of mourning when he was twenty-eight. It gets very cold in Manchuria. He used wooden boards and nails to build a small hut, but it didn't keep out the bitter cold.


He lived there for three years and then continued the filial mourning period for another three years. He spent six years there altogether. During the last year, he did not talk to anyone, no matter who came to visit him. Every day he sat in that small hut either meditating or reciting sutras. He recited the Vajra Sutra.


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