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平常心 Normality - 具德者的宝藏 The Treasure Of A Person With Merit
[平常心 Normality] [点击:2023]   [手机版]


A person with virtue and merit sees all things clearly, according to reality. He or she sees a person as a person, sees an animal as an animal, sees a wife as a wife, sees a child as a child and friends as friends, so there is no conflict ; when listening to somebody speak one understands, especially the Dhamma is understood crystal clear. One can walk the Path rightly because there is the divine eye and ear to see the Path.


Everybody who has been born must grow old, get sick and die ; why do we kill, have envy and jealousy ? Each person doesn't want to get sick and die but wants to be wealthy and have happiness, then why do we let the bandit rob us of our treasure ? The internal treasure that is called the Noble treasure is happiness and peace of the mind. This type of treasure, the external bandit can't steal, but the bandit of greed, hatred and delusion can easily rob us. This Noble treasure we have to look after by ourselves. There is no one who can look after it for us. How do we look after it ? By watching the mind penetratingly, by having awareness overseeing the mind all the time. All of the 84.000 teachings of the Buddha converge at this one point. It is the point of our very life and mind.


Originally, there is no suffering in our life. But we get deluded and Lobha, Dosa & Moha arise and the result is that we get suffering. All of you, who are listening to me speaking at this moment, please listen with awareness, concentration and wisdom, reflect on yourself every moment, so you're not someone who forgets oneself or is heedless. The Buddha teaches that one who is heedless is like one who is dead even though one is still alive. Because those individuals only do, speak and think that which is bad, it stinks ! People without virtue, without Dhamma, are people that stink !


As for people with virtue and Dhamma, they are compared to beautiful, fragrant flowers. Because there are only smiles and brightness, comparable to flowers used for decorating Buddha statues.As for the 3 sticks of incense to venerate the Buddha, it stands for good actions in body, speech and mind. If the mind thinks good things, it is fragrant, like incense. Thinking good things means the mind doesn't have greed, hatred and delusion. The 2 candles point to 2 eyes and 2 ears. Whatever you look at or listen to, you see it as it is, you understand the Truth, it is the divine eye and ear.


May you try and train to be aware in every posture, to be with Sati every moment, seeing your own mind all the time, then you will be called a person with the divine eye and ear. I wish you will get some divine eye and ear, even a little is still good, don't destroy the Truth in yourself. That's enough, I'll stop here.


■注1:A example of Luangpor’s wit or sense of humor: The first precept is to not kill ‘sut’ = ‘living being’, but here the word that is used is ‘sat’, short for ‘sacca’ = truth. Neither living being nor truth should be killed!

注1:这里的“真理”,隆波田采用巴利文Sacca (真理)的缩写字 "sat",这点展现出了隆波田的机智与幽默,因为佛法的第一条戒律是不要杀害众生,众生的泰语是 "sut",而隆波田这里不用Sacca而特地改用缩写字 "sat",意思就是要表示众生及真理二者都不可以杀害!

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