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平常心 Normality - 平静之道 The Path of Peace
[平常心 Normality] [点击:1749]   [手机版]

Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

2-2. The Path of Peace 平静之道

May you all listen well, this time, so that Sati/Panya springs up.


(Knowing Suffering 知道苦)

Something we have in common is that we don't want suffering; we hate it. Then how does suffering arise? Suffering arises because we don't know. Suffering doesn't exist within us, and it doesn't arise all the time. What really exists for sure is normality. By nature the mind of each person is in a state of normality.


As we're working, if we do it with delusion, it is called suffering. Most people have suffering while working because they don't see suffering. People who go and see movies and shows do so because suffering leads them; this is due to our not watching minds. The moment we want to go and watch a movie, a thought flashes up that we want to watch a movie. We're not thinking it all day long. When the thought comes up, we don't see the thought. We only just know the thought, and we act, following the thought. This is called suffering. People who smoke are the same. Sometimes they don't even think to smoke but simply follow their moods. They take a cigarette to smoke because they think it is happiness; but actually it is suffering that compels them to do it.


(Suffering Stinks 苦奇臭无比)

As to this word suffering, the Buddha sometimes calls it suffering, sometimes defilement, sometimes stench. When talking about suffering or defilements one notes that it has an ugly smell to it, according to Buddhism. Suffering is something dirty and it stinks; nobody wants it. As soon as the body dies, it starts to rot and stink. But we can still wash and clean it. Excrement is something that stinks, and we detest it. Nobody wants to touch or grab hold of it. But even with such stinking things, the Buddha said, they don't stink all that much; they can still be touched and washed. But the stinking things to which the Buddha is referring are really stinky! They are greed, hatred and delusion, concealed in our minds, ready to bubble up. The Buddha condemns this emphatically. If anyone's mind still has greed, hatred and delusion, the Buddha says that it stinks more than excrement.


As soon as the mind thinks something in a flash, a person who doesn't know, doesn't see and doesn't understand becomes deluded immediately. This arising is called by the Buddha a stain. The word "stain" means delusion. Even though we've never known, seen or watched our minds, we still say that we see. But in reality it is not seeing; it is only just knowing thought, and then we act according to the thought. When we say ‘to see’, it should mean that we see defilements. That is, we see that either there is greed, hatred or delusion mixed up in thought, or there is not. To see like this, we have to practice Dhamma first.


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