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慈悲的法流 序 The Gracious Flow of Dharma - Preface
[慈悲的法流 The Gracious Flow of Dharma] [点击:2024]   [手机版]


The Gracious Flow of Dharma - by S.N.Goenka

第一天 法与派别意識
第一天 问答
第二天 过道德的生活及发展对心的自主能力
第二天 问答
第三天 修习心的净化
第三天 问答


「内观研究所」(Vipassana Research Institute)非常樂意地提供这 本葛印卡老师公开演讲的小册子。

Vipassana Research Publications is pleased to offer this book of Mr. S. N. Goenka’s public talks.

葛印卡老师于公元 1969 年離开缅甸回到印度祖国,指导内观禅修。内观发源于印度,但在印度已经失传。很幸运地,它的原始风貌得以在邻国(缅甸)保存了兩千多年。

Mr. Goenka left his homeland of Myanmar (Burma) in 1969, to come to India, the land of his ancestors, to teach Vipassana meditation. Vipassana originated in India but was lost to the country. Fortunately it was preserved in its pure form for over two millenia in the neighbouring country.

葛印卡老师在離开缅甸之后的二十四年间,已将内观介绍给世界上成千上万的人士。他着重的一直是这个方法的实修,他在印度及其余數十个国家 已经指导过 400 余次的内观十日课程,而在他的助理老师指导之下也已经有 數万人參加过内观课程。

In the twenty-four years since he left Myanmar, Mr. Goenka has introduced Vipassana to tens of thousands of people worldwide. His primary focus has always been on the practical aspect of the technique. He has conducted nearly 400 ten-day Vipassana courses in India and a dozen other countries, and many thousands of people have learned Vipassana in courses conducted by his assistant teachers.

除了指导内观课程之外,葛印卡老师也在世界各国及印度各城市举办过 數百场次的公开演讲,将内观介绍给社会大众。葛印卡老师的演讲多半以印度语來进行,其余如这本书裡的,则是以英语演讲。起初这些演讲都是单一场次;但最近几年,葛印卡老师开始作連续三或五个晚上的系列演讲,以对主题作较深入的探讨。

In addition to his teaching work, Mr. Goenka has presented Vipassana to the general public through hundreds of public discourses in different countries, and in different cities in India. Mr. Goenka has given the majority of these talks in Hindi; the remainder, as in the present volume, in English. Initially, these talks were given in one session. In recent years, however, Goenkaji has developed an additional format of speaking for a series of three or five consecutive evenings, in order to treat the subject in greater depth.

本书的三天系列公开演讲,是 1993 年 7 月 22 日至 24 日在印度的海德 拉巴(Hyderabad,A.P.)所說的内容。为出版故,命名为「慈悲的法流」。

The three-day series of public talks contained in this book was given in Hyderabad, A.P., India from July 22 to 24, 1993. For publication purposes, it has been titled “The Gracious Flow of Dharma.”
Dharma 这个梵文字(巴利文是 Dhamma)的原本意义是「自然的法则」 或「实相」。在今日的印度,很不幸地这个字丧失了原本的意义,而且被曲解为「教派」或「派别意識」。藉由这个主题的介绍,葛印卡老师解释内观 禅修是教导我们如何过一个正法的人生——充满着安详、和谐及对他人心怀 善意的人生。这个主题与现在的印度特别有关——事实上是与全世界有关。 因为派别意識以及小区分離主义及地方自治主义已将这整个社会区分隔 離,并且造成了严重的不幸与痛苦。

The Sanskrit word Dharma (which is spelled Dhamma in the Pāli language) originally meant “the law of nature” or “the truth.” In today’s India, unfortunately, the word has lost its original meaning, and is mistakenly used to refer to “sect” or “sectarianism.” Using this theme as an introduction, Goenkaji explains that Vipassana meditation teaches how to live a life of pure Dharma—a life full of peace, harmony and goodwill for others. This subject is particularly relevant in India today—and indeed the whole world—where sectarianism and communalism have divided large sections of society and caused acute suffering.

May these talks give inspiration to all to walk on the path of pure Dharma and gain the lasting benefit of real peace and happiness.

Dharma na Hindu- Bauddha hai, Sikkha na Muslima Jaina.
Dharma citta ki s&huddhata-, Dharma s&ha-nti sukha chaina.
——Hindi doha of S.N. Goenka


也不专属于锡克教徒、回教徒或耆那教徒; 法是心的纯净,


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上一篇:慈悲的法流 第一天 法与派别意識 Day One: Dharma and Sectarianism

 慈悲的法流 第一天 法与派别意識 Day One: D.. 慈悲的法流 第一天 问答 Questions and Answers..
 慈悲的法流 第二天 过道德的生活及发展对心的自主能力 .. 慈悲的法流 第二天 问答 Questions and Answers..
 慈悲的法流 第三天 修习心的净化 Day Three: Practi.. 慈悲的法流 第三天 问答 Questions and Answers..

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