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56.雁 Wild Geese
[放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals] [点击:1772]   [手机版]


  In 1613, General Qian of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, was leading his troops back to the city in boats. They were out in the middle of the gigantic Yangtze River,the longest in China. General Qian was in his cabin with a book in his hand.You just don't come out and say that a general was snoozing, but he seemed to agree with the book a lot, because he kept nodding his head.

  Above the boat, a wild goose was calling, crying sadly. It had followed this boat for a hundred miles. It wouldn't go away. That was because there was another wild goose, trapped in a cage by one of General Qian's soldiers. That was its mate. They called to each other, but the one was trapped, and the other couldn't do anything but follow and call.

  But the hard-hearted soldier who trapped her was not moved at all by this,even though some of the nicer soldiers told him he ought to let her go. "No way! It's goose soup for me this evening, after we reach the shore!"
  When the boat had almost reached the dock, the goose in the cage looked up and called especially loudly to the goose in the air. Immediately, the free goose zipped down to the deck and stood by the cage with his mate. The goose in the cage stuck out her head, and the two wild geese hugged each other around the neck, just like human couples meeting after a long separation.

  "Aww, ain't that cute?" one of the old soldiers watching said.

  "Cute? It'd be a waste of heaven-sent food not to do something now," said a mean soldier. He grabbed his sword and with one slash chopped off both of the geese's heads.
  General Qian had heard a commotion and came out to see what was going on, but he was too late to stop the soldier from killing those poor geese. He hit the roof.

  "Put that man under arrest! Who trapped that wild goose in the first place?You? You're under arrest, too!" The general was furious. "Guards! I will not tolerate such cruelty among my men. Give each of these savages thirty strokes with the bamboo poles, to teach them a lesson about pain!"
  When those two soldiers had been beaten, they knew that nobody likes to suffer, and you should do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
  Not long after that, both of these hard-hearted soldiers came down with some strange sickness the doctors couldn't cure, and before the next migration of the wild geese, both men were dead and buried.



  在船上方,有一只雁正在哀鸣。它跟着这只船近 百里了。它不离开是因为船上有另一只雁,被钱将军的士兵关在笼子里。那是它的配偶。它们互相叫唤,但是其中一只被困住了,另一只 除了尾随着叫唤,没别的办法。









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