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恒记 Remember Always
[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey] [点击:1088]   [手机版]


Remember Always


Dechen Lingpa(The Lord of Great Bliss)of Dhomang Monastery is a great terton of the late 19th century. In his lifetime he had many visions of Guru Rinpoche and often traveled freely between this world and Guru Rinpoche’s Pure Land. He left 13 volumes of shastras and termas. This is an instruction he gave to his disciple Urgyen that I happened to read today in a quiet corner:


Homage to the Guru! May we have the opportunity to practice in a tranquil place! Urgyen, you are the best among the young Sangha members. Listen, in the age of five degenerations many practitioners may choose to stay in secluded valleys, but very few practice authentically. Being slothful and distracted is the biggest obstacle to practice, and meaningless talk is the cause for the downfall of oneself and others. So try to hold your tongue. With no leisure time, you cannot enjoy peace and joy, so cut off trivial involvement. Craving and stinginess are the thruways leading to lower realms; therefore, subdue your desires and be contented. Showing off and deceiving others will bring ruin to yourself; therefore, constantly maintain a humble profile. Helping yourself freely with the properties of the Three Jewels begets severe retribution; therefore, be mindful of your conduct at all times. Imprudent and rude acts accomplish nothing; therefore, behave in a smooth and gracious manner. Urgyen, if you practice always as such, the gurus’ blessings will come to you. You will attain accomplishment of Guru Rinpoche’s Pure Land in no time. Anyone who has encountered these teachings will no doubt be liberated.
Regrettably, this incisive advice with deep insight has not incited vigilance in later generations. Many practitioners instead give themselves over to vice. Like a bird falling from tall trees to a dark abyss, their views are reduced to earthly vulgarity. Driven by the three poisons, they constantly commit evils that are the millstones to the Hell of Ultimate Torment. Isn’t it bitterly disappointing and lamentable!


I hope these teachings are enlightening and inspiring to many people!


26th of May, Year of RenWu
July 6, 2002

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