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依静 In Solitude
[旅途脚印 Footprints on the Journey] [点击:1095]   [手机版]


In Solitude


At this time of spiritual degeneration, practitioners who have not mastered their own minds should retreat to a tranquil place to concentrate on their practices. Longchen Rabjam says in The Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions:

It is a laughable contradiction to want to teach others to gain freedom if you have not yet achieved freedom yourself.
It is a laughable contradiction to want to benefit others if you have not been able to bring Dharma benefit to yourself.
It is a laughable contradiction to want to be a teacher if you do not have the qualifications of a student yourself.
It is a laughable contradiction to want to tame others’ minds if your own mind is untamed like a piece of stiff leather.
It is a laughable contradiction to want to bring others to the dharma if you busy yourself with this life and are devoid of realization.
It is a laughable contradiction to want to teach others to behave if you have not yet renounced your own mundane behavior.


Accepting students when one has barely embarked on the spiritual path is an irresponsible act. In the end, nothing is accomplished but for the disgrace incurred upon oneself.


Gyegompa says in The Lamp Directing to Virtue: “Every spiritual seeker should live like a wild animal in going nowhere but a remote and tranquil site to practice; in this way the activities of benefiting beings will ripen spontaneously. It is not advisable to go to cities to teach the Dharma or confer pith instructions. When Buddhism is flourishing, there are abundant Dharma teachings. When the time is degenerating and the Dharma is scarce, beings are recalcitrant; they care for words alone and exert no effort in meditation. Therefore for a beginner, it is better to find a hideaway to practice rather than try to tame other beings’ minds. When you feel like talking to them, they sneer; when you want to withdraw, they follow on your heels; when you try to hide, they search for you everywhere. When you are in need, they ignore you; when you are getting by, they force offerings upon you. There is no way to tame someone with perverted views; therefore, go to a place of solitude, like a beast. Only by doing so can you train yourself in the Tathagata’s teachings and become a guide of people with faith. Even a barbarian will arouse confidence when he sees a person meditating in the mountain cave. Therefore, to benefit oneself and others, always stay in a solitary place. ”


The four seasons come in their time and flowers bloom in good order. In the same way, to benefit beings with the Dharma also has its timetable. Such is the advice imparted to us earnestly by the Buddhas and great sages. Do not sweep it aside!


7th of July, Year of RenWu
August 15, 2002

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