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Happy Song of the Yogi-The Auspicious and Wish-fulfilling Sound
[Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok] [点击:1349]   [手机版]

Happy Song of the Yogi-The Auspicious and Wish-fulfilling Sound

Composed by Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok

1. In the chain of the karma of all life times, (you are) the never-parting crown ornament that is made of a garland of wonderful karma and aspiration flowers. It is hard to express your inner merit just by beautiful language and compliment. My peerless kind guru, wish-fulfilling jewel, Thubten Chopel Rinpoche, please take us in your care!

2. In the heart center of the veil of the inexhaustible and ceaseless mind wheel, with the ambrosia cloud of the three faiths, and with reverence, I unremittingly rely on Mipham Rinpoche, who has immaculate wisdom and is the treasure holder of infinite merit of dharani and debating skill, and the master Buddha of the one hundred Buddha families. Please take us in your care!

3. The present happiness and bliss comes from the compassionate blessing of the guru. The wish for practicing genuine Dharma in my heart can be fulfilled. Although my decrepit body cannot dance joyfully any more, I still could not help myself singing loudly in bed.

4. Happiness and suffering in the six realms of samsara appear alternately, as wavering as the ever-changing and unpredictable weather in spring. It is of great happiness for we practitioners with the fortunate condition to stay in the state of happiness every moment!

5. Beckoned by the euphonious and melodious singing of the beautiful cuckoo of karma and aspiration in my childhood, I fortunately entered the happy garden of supreme Dharma and enjoyed the wonderful taste of the essential ambrosia dew of the supreme vehicle. The initial sign was thus originated from Dharma.

6. My mind is dwelling on the stories of sublime great masters of the past; my ear is listening to the instructions of peerless guru. The beautiful scene of the gathering of the guru and the disciples in one room vividly appears in front of my eyes. The body and heart could not help themselves to emanate the energy and atmosphere of joy and bliss.

7. Once, I held tightly a corner of the wonderful clothes of my peerless guru who is the collection of the entire ocean-like refuge field, and made the aspiration not to part from him in all life times. So, I feel incomparably happy, no matter what I encounter now.

8. The heart essence of the Vidyadhara lineage great masters of the past, the top vehicle Dharma that leads to the accomplishment of rainbow body Dharmakaya, if coming across it, one is bound to liberate in this very life and there is no more transmigration in samsara. How happy I, the yogi, am to be able to devote my heart into such ultimate and thorough Tantra!

9. The principle master of all families, Venerable Mipham of immaculate wisdom! I rely on you in the heart center of the space of devotional faith with reverence, never being separated, and finally obtain the view and practice free from mental fabrication and attain the innate luminosity of the original vajra of luminosity and emptiness.

10. Through diligent study and practice without moil, the mind bondage of dualism is completely disengaged from the depth of my heart. The secret essence of the hundred commentaries of sutra and tantra appeared effortlessly. As a yogi practicing the secret path of the highest vehicle, how happy I am!

11. Beckoned by the supreme mind of great non-referential kindness and compassion, in order to guide sentient beings with fortune to the wonderful land, (I) put on the fearless armor of fortitude and diligence, and all the activities of benefiting others are accomplished. Yogi, I am so happy!

12. In this dark and gloomy deep night of the rampant five degenerations, Yogi, I am so happy that the wish-fulfilling jewel crown of the source of happiness and bliss can be embedded on the top of the wonderful victory banner of teaching and practicing!

13. The illusory contaminated body of the aggregation of the four great elements is constantly tortured by the suffering of disease and aging, but the human body with freedom and advantages can be immersed in meaningful authentic Dharma. A resplendent sun of happiness slowly arises in my heart!

14. The wonderful voice of the compassionate comforting secret words of the three roots – guru, deities and sky dancers come to my ear; the certainty of bliss, happiness and liberation is attained in my heart. Even if being alone, I still could not help myself from humming a Dharma song of happiness!

15. To be alive, I am joyful, because I can carry out vast activities of propagating the Dharma; to die, I am happy, because I am sure to be born in the pure land. No matter coming across any karmic phenomena, misery or happiness, I can transcend the worrying mind state of hope and fear!

16. When free from the shell of the contaminated aggregated body one day, I will abandon this karmic illusory body without freedom and be born in the lotus bud of the pure land of bliss as my wish, and obtain supreme body of pleasant wonderful solemn appearance of the perfect major and minor marks.

17. I have heard the teachings of the supreme vehicle from my guru who is a real Buddha. The body of reaching enlightenment has become fledged and plump, and the strength and path have perfected. In the form of illusory display, sharing the same path with heroes and heroines of Vidyadharas, we move forward side by side and head to the pure and impure lands for sight-seeing!

18. From now on, I will put on the armor of diligence and take the ocean-like actions of bodhisattva Samantabhadra; in order to free all mother-sentient beings from the suffering ocean of samsara, a joy of tireless diligence until the end of space has arisen in me!

For any sentient beings of the superior or inferior, higher or lower realms, as long as they hear the wonderful music – the joyful Dharma song that could accomplish the meaning of auspiciousness from the wheel of enjoyment at the throat, may they enjoy worry-free kindness and happiness. Ngawang Lodro Tsungmed honestly recorded the words naturally effused from my heart in the morning of the second day of the Saga month of the Earth Rabbit year of the seventeenth supreme birth round. May it be auspicious!

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