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观音菩萨的出家成道 The Renunciation Of Guan Yin Bodhisattva
[佛教文章·中英文双语阅读 Buddhist Article · Bilingual Reading] [点击:2435]   [手机版]




Lecturer : Bhikkhu Bodhi                
Recorded by Syinchen


Today we have gathered here to commemorate the renunciation of the bodhisattva Guan Yin. As you all know, Guan Yin is one of the major bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism. In India, Guan Yin was a male bodhisattva, called in Sanskrit Avalokitesvara. But in China he was transformed into a female. The word Guan Yin, or more fully, Guan Shi Yin, means “the One Who Contemplates the Sounds of the World.”


Guan Yin is honored as the bodhisattva of great compassion. Thus we say, “Namo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin Pusa.” But Guan Yin also makes the act of renunciation. The act of renunciation is motivated by reflecting on the sufferings of life. Why do we say that life involves suffering?


The reason is because everything in life is impermanent. We are born, we grow up, and we enjoy our lives; thus life does include happiness. But then we grow old, we fall sick, and we die. Buddhism teaches that birth and death do not occur only once. Rather, we are born, grow old, and die many times—countless times. This is the meaning of samsara, the cycle of birth and death. We are born countless times into the six realms of existence, and wherever we are born, we have to die. Then we pass on to a new existence. There is no safety in samsara. Even if we become rich, powerful, and famous, we cannot avoid old age, sickness, and death. When we understand this clearly and deeply, then our mind inclines to renunciation.


The Buddha himself had been a prince living in the palace, but he recognized the truth of old age, sickness, and death. Therefore he renounced his life of luxury to seek the path to liberation for himself and for the world. For thousands of years, Buddhist disciples have imitated the Buddha’s example and have “gone forth into homelessness” by becoming monks and nuns. We become monks and nuns, not to live an easy life, but in order to cultivate the path: to study the Dharma and practice meditation to deepen our wisdom. It is through wisdom that we can cut off all defilements and win liberation from birth and death.


Guan Yin, a great bodhisattva, also followed the Buddha’s example. She left the home life to cultivate the way. She gained enlightenment by contemplating the sounds of the world. But after gaining wisdom, Guan Yin made great vows to help the world. These vows are beautifully expressed in the Universal Door chapter of the Lotus Sutra.


Because of Guan Yin’s compassionate vows, Buddhist devotees call on Guan Yin in times of trouble. When sick, when facing danger, when needing help, we recite “Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa.” But it is important not only to call on Guan Yin, but also to follow the example of Guan Yin. Follow Guan Yin’s example through renunciation and compassion.

即使你不能离家过出家的生活,当你在家时,你应当学习舍离世俗乐, 尽量过简朴的生活,少欲知足。明智的运用你的时间,不再以自我为中心,学习谦虚和乐于助人。尝试投入更多的时间来修行佛法,认清佛法的修证,是唯一永久的离苦之道。

Even if you can’t leave home for the homeless life, you should learn to renounce worldly pleasures while living at home. Try to live a simple life, to be content with little. Use your time wisely. Give up egotism. Be humble and helpful to others. Try to devote more time to Dharma practice. Recognize that Dharma practice is the only way to permanently eliminate suffering.


Also, follow Guan Yin’s example by practicing deeds of compassion. We share this world with many people who are afflicted with poverty, hunger, and illness. We should do our best to rescue them from suffering. We might not be able to fulfill great vows like Guan Yin, but we can be little Guan Yins: he can give from our earnings to worthy causes, to fight hunger, poverty, and disease. We can extend a helping hand to friends, relatives, and neighbors. We can form little vows of compassion, which in time will turn into great vows of compassion. This is the best way to worship Guan Yin. This is how you can follow Guan Yin’s example: by becoming a good, kind, helpful, and compassionate person.

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