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念佛四十八法 8) 默然持名 Silent recitation
[念佛四十八法 A Guide to Pure Land Practice] [点击:2041]   [手机版]

8) 默然持名

Silent recitation

There are instances when it is not appropriate to recite either aloud or in a low voice. There are times when it is awkward to finger a rosary. There are still other times when even Diamond Recitation may be inappropriate.(7) For such instances, the ancients have devised an exce lent expedient. It is not to move the lips, not to utter

a sound, but merely to concentrate m ind and thoughts on recitation, silently touching the upper front teeth with the tongue, or alternatively, to visualize this action. The only condition is that the Buddha’s name be clear and distinct, though it is uttered not from the mouth but from the Self-Nature. The faculty of hearing and the inner mind interpenetrate, the inner mind is stamped on the tip of the tongue,

the tip of the tongue pulls along the faculty of recitation, the faculty of hearing hears the Self-Nature – the three (inner mind, hearing, recitation) form one unit. Recitation interpenetrates with recitation – in time the visualization of “everything as Mind- Only” is realized.



This silent recitation method, when used to perfect the visualization of Mind-Only is somewhat difficult and is a high-level practice. It is reserved for the most part for those advanced along the path of cultivation. The cultivator must employ visualization-mind not recitation-thought. He does not move his lips, yet the sound is clear and distinct. It is the sound of the Self-Nature. This is the method of “reverting the faculty of hearing to hear the sound of the Self-Nature. “ To perfect such recitation is to penetrate the true nature of all dharmas, to penetrate the truth that everything is made from Mind alone.

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上一篇:念佛四十八法 9) 调息持名 Regulating the Breath
下一篇:念佛四十八法 7) 金刚持名 Diamond Recitation

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