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Do not harbor thoughts of hatred and love
[The Chan Hand book] [点击:1464]   [手机版]

Do not harbor thoughts of hatred and love

As all dharmas are the Buddhadharma, how could there be some dharmas that we like and some that we dislike? In investigating Chan, we should work on this very thing. We should not harbor thoughts of hatred and love, but should instead bring our minds to a state of equanimity. In a still spring pond, undisturbed even by ripples, silt will naturally settle to the bottom and the water will become clear. Investigating Chan is also like that. If no ripples of false thoughts stir in our minds, then the Dharma-body will manifest. The Dharma I have just spoken is very important. I hope that all of you will cultivate according to this principle, for if you do, you will very quickly open your wisdom.

What is spoken is the Dharma.
Practice of it is the Way.

If we understand the Dharma and yet do not cultivate the Way, we will not make any progress.

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上一篇:No matter what happens, remain in unmoving suchness
下一篇:Do not be moved by sounds

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