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The Plowing Festival
[A Manual Of Buddhism] [点击:1522]   [手机版]

The Plowing Festival

A very remarkable incident took place in his childhood. It was an unprecedented mental experience, which, in later life, during his search for Truth, served as a key to his Enlightenment. As an encouragement to agriculture the King arranged for a Plowing Festival. It was indeed a festive occasion for all, as both nobles and commoners decked in gala dress participated in the ceremony.

On the appointed day the King, accompanied by his courtiers, went to the field taking with him, the young Prince together with the nurses. Placing the child on a screened and canopied couch under the cool shade of a rose-apple tree to be watched by the nurses, the King took an active part in the Plowing Festival.

When the festival was at its climax, the nurses stole away from the Prince’s presence to catch a glimpse of the wonderful spectacle. The thoughtful child, mature in intellect though young in age, seeing none by him, sat cross-legged, and intently concentrating on inhalation and exhalation, gained one-pointed-ness of the mind and developed the First Ecstasy - Jhana.

In the midst of their enjoyment the neglectful nurses suddenly remembered their duty, and when they saw the Prince absorbed in meditation, were struck with awe and immediately reported the matter to the King. He hastened to the scene and beholding the Prince in meditative posture, saluted him saying: "This, dear child is my second salutation."

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上一篇:Prince Siddhattha’s Youth
下一篇:The Naming Ceremony

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