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King Suddhodana desires to see the Buddha
[A Manual Of Buddhism] [点击:1472]   [手机版]

Chapter 6 The Buddha Visits His Birthplace

King Suddhodana desires to see the Buddha

On hearing that the Buddha was preaching the Dhamma in Rajagaha, King Suddhodana was desirous of seeing Him. Nine courtiers, each with a large following, were sent on nine successive occasions to invite the Buddha to Kapilavatthu. Contrary to the King’s expectations all nine attained Arahantship and joined the Order. Since Arahants are indifferent to worldly things they did not convey the King’s message to the Buddha.

The disappointed King finally dispatched Kaludayi, who was a playmate of the Buddha. He agreed to go on condition that he would be allowed to enter the Order.

He, too, hearing the Dhamma, attained Arahantship and entered the Order. But unlike the others he conveyed the message to the Buddha and persuaded Him to visit His aged royal father. The Buddha, attended by a large retinue of His disciples, journeyed the whole distance preaching the Dhamma on the way, and arrived in Kapilavatthu in two months.

Arrangements were made for Him to stay in the Park of Nigrodha, a Sakyan. The conceited elderly Sakyans, without paying Him due obeisance, put forward the younger ones to salute Him. The Buddha subdued their pride by rising into the air and exhibiting the "Twin Wonder." The King, seeing this wonderful sight, saluted Him immediately, saying that it was his third salutation. Then all the other Sakyans paid Him due respect. Thereupon the Buddha came down from the sky and sat on the prepared seat. The relatives too sat down to listen to Him.

Then a strange phenomenon occurred. Rain broke out, but it wetted only those who wished to be wet, and not others. When the Sakyans marveled at this phenomenon, the Buddha preached the Vessantara Jataka to show that a similar incident took place in the presence of his relatives in a previous birth.

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上一篇:The King sees the Light
下一篇:Conversion of Sariputta and Moggallana

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