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The Last Scene
[A Manual Of Buddhism] [点击:1400]   [手机版]

The Last Scene

The Buddha addressed Ánanda and said:

"It may be Ánanda, that you will say thus: ‘without the teacher is the sublime teaching. There is no teacher for us.’ Nay, Ánanda, you should not think thus. That Doctrine and Discipline taught and promulgated by me, Ánanda, will be your teacher when I am gone."

The Buddha addressed the disciples and said:-"If, O disciples, there be a doubt or perplexity in any disciple with regard to the Buddha, the Doctrine, the Order, and the Practice, question me (now) and repent not afterwards thinking - We were race to face with the Teacher, yet were not able to question the Buddha in His presence." When he spoke thus, the disciples were silent. For the second and third time the Buddha addressed the disciples the same way. And for the second and third time the disciples were silent. Then the Buddha addressed the disciples and said:-"Perhaps it may be out of respect for the teacher that you do not question me. Let a friend, O disciples, intimate it to another." Still the disciples were silent.

Thereupon the Venerable Ánanda spoke to the Buddha as follows:-"Wonderful, Lord! Marvelous Lord! Thus am I pleased with this company of disciples. There is not a single disciple who entertains a doubt or perplexity with regard to the Buddha, the Doctrine, the Order, and the Practice." "You speak through faith, Ánanda. With regard to this matter there is knowledge in the Accomplished One, that in this company of disciples there is not a single disciple who entertains a doubt or perplexity with regard to the Buddha, the Doctrine, the Order, and Practice. Of these five hundred disciples, Ánanda, he’ who is the last, is a Stream-Winner, not subject to fall, but sure of, and destined for, Enlightenment."

Then the Blessed One addressed the disciples and said:

"Behold, O disciples, I exhort you. Subject to decay are all component things. Strive on with diligence." These were the last words of the Buddha.

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