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宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 第二章 更正我们的知见 Correcting Our Views
[宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool] [点击:1724]   [手机版]

Correcting Our Views

第二章 更正我们的知见

When you pick mushrooms, Achaan Chah cautions, you must know what to look for. When you undertake spiritual practice you must also know what attitudes to nourish, what dangers to avoid, and what mental qualities to encourage.

  “当你采磨菇时,”阿姜 查告诫我们说:“你必须知道要找什么;当你从事精神上的修行时,也必须知道要培养什么样的态度、要避免什 样的危险,以及要策励出什么样的心理特质。”

Here he emphasizes the power of training our endurance and courage, developing a willingness to find the Middle Path and follow it despite temptation and defilement. When greed, hatred, or delusion arise, he says, don't give in to them. Don't be discouraged. Just stay mindful and strong in your resolve.


As your training develops you will see that every single experience you pass through is impermanent, and thus unsatisfactory. You will discover firsthand the end less truth of these characteristics in all existence and begin to learn the way of freedom, of nonattachment. But Achaan Chah reminds us that this requires a willingness to investigate both our sufferings and our joys with an equal mind.

  就在你的训练增长之际,你将会发现,每一个你所经历的经验,都是如此的无常和苦(不圆满)。你会直接地在这一切存在体的特质中发现永恒的真理,并开始去学习解脱和不执著之道。可是,阿姜 查提醒我们:这是需要愿意以一种平等的心情去观照我们的苦与乐的。

When the heart becomes calm and the mind clear, we come closer to the truth of what Achaan Chah calls, "Just that much." The, Dharma, the truth, is really very simple. All things that arise and pass, the whole world of changing phenomena, is really only "that much!" When we truly discover what this means, then here in our world we can come to peace.

  在心情逐渐平静下来,且清明时,我们便更贴近了阿姜 查所谓的真理:“如此而已!”。“法”──真理,是非常简单的。所有事物的生灭──整个世界的变化现象,真的就只是“如此而已!”。当我们真正体悟其涵义时,在我们这个世界里,就可以寻得平静了。

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