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What are the Karmic Implications of Bequeathing An Estate or Accepting an Inheritance?
[Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche] [点击:1577]   [手机版]

What are the Karmic Implications of Bequeathing An Estate or Accepting an Inheritance?

by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

When people die they usually pass on their assets and belongings to their children, especially in the West. We should keep in mind that there are some complications to bequeathing or  inheriting money and possessions. Children must consider the karmic implications of what they do with an inheritance, and parents should factor in the karmic implications of their gift-giving. Here are some guidelines from Rinpoche to keep in mind.

If you inherit money, you have the responsibility to do something positive with the funds. What if you—knowingly or unknowingly—do something harmful, like investing it in a company involved in destructive, negative behavior? In terms of karma, you will suffer consequences. Unfortunately, if the money is used inappropriately, whoever originally accrued the capital—in this case your parent—will suffer too, even in future lives, because of their initial involvement.

If you are bequeathing money, explain to your children that you expect some of the inheritance to be used for their well-being, but that the majority of the funds must be donated to a good cause. Why? Our children are our greatest attachment; we love them fiercely and want to see them prosper and be secure. But human greed sometimes pushes us into mistaking overabundance for necessity. What we think of as prospering—what we think our children need and will benefit them—is quite limited by our own particular views. We might actually be reinforcing our own attachments, and creating obstacles for our children in the long run.

If you leave your children material objects—like furniture, art, or jewelry—be careful you are not reinforcing your own attachment to specific belongings. Because many people take refuge in their material goods, the thought of giving away these possessions provokes deep insecurity and attachment. You might feel: “Now I have to part with my things because I am dying! Now you should treasure these items as I have done.” Rather than conveying your own attachment complexes, try to give away your belongings in a sane manner. Cleanse the negative karma of the unresolved attachment before you die so it does not carry forward to your children in the form of the material wealth.

Use your wisdom and skillful means when planning your legacy. For instance, sometimes children even “wait” for their inheritance with a lot of expectation and attachment. Explain to your heirs what is important to you—how getting rid of your attachments frees you from your bondage. If this is done sincerely and with genuine concern, you can promote their own inspiration either immediately or gradually. If you are faced with this dilemma, it might be better to simply offer a large portion of your estate for the greater good—to charity or directly to the Three Jewels—to free your family from any karmic complications. In general, you should never alter your altruistic donation plans because of your children’s attachment to wealth, possessions, or monetary comfort.

It comes down to this: how willing are you to work with your attachments? In addition to wealth and possessions, our children are very much our “attachments.” So naturally we wish to see them secure and prospering. But, there will often be disagreement between parents and children about what will truly be of benefit. Depending on the circumstances, for instance, of how the wealth was accumulated, it might be harmful to receive it, and harmful to keep it. You should try to settle your feelings about these issues, and work with your attachments before you die. Consider thoughtfully what you are planning for your estate, and the karmic implications of your gift- giving. It will save you and your children a lot of unnecessary pain.

Compiled from Like a Diamond,  pages 157-160.

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